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Suffolk Singers set to perform again!

Suffolk Singers are delighted to announce their forthcoming concert at St Mary's Church, Stoke by Nayland on Saturday 8th July starting at 7.30pm. Founded in 1991, Suffolk Singers have evolved into a choir much appreciated for beautiful blended singing. Their repertoire includes a wide variety of music, both sacred and secular, mostly performed a cappella.

The choir has performed at a wide variety of prestigious venues ranging from many wonderful Suffolk churches to magnificent cathedrals, both in the UK and abroad. In March last year, they gave a recital in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, and in May, performed concerts in Lincoln Cathedral and Southwell Minster.

The success of the choir is largely due to the fantastic direction of Music Director, Claire Weston. Following graduation from the Royal Northern College of Music in 1996, Claire joined English National Opera as Principal Artist in 1999. After a distinguished opera career, she moved to Suffolk and took up teaching to encourage others in her great love of singing and music. She is currently Head of Singing in the Music Department of Woodbridge School.

Suffolk Singers are very much looking forward to performing in the delightful setting of Stoke by Nayland and would like to invite you to join them for a varied programme of beautiful choral music. Tickets, priced at £15, are available from the Suffolk Singers Ticket Line on: 01394 279907, at Stoke by Nayland Post Office or at:
