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Hundreds of volunteers have stepped up and dedicated their time to help in their local communities in East Suffolk during the pandemic – now it is the Council’s turn to say thank you!

 East Suffolk Council has created a new eBook to celebrate the people, organisations and businesses who have given up their time, knowledge and skills to help make a difference in their communities since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak.

The eBook tells the stories of some of those volunteers and showcases the important work they have carried out – and continue to carry out – to support the most vulnerable in their communities.

Cllr Steve Gallant, Leader of East Suffolk Council, says: “Covid-19 has taken a terrible toll on the country, but it has also brought out the very best in our communities and highlighted the incredible lengths that people are willing to go to, to help others who are vulnerable, lonely and/or isolated during this time.

“East Suffolk’s response to the crisis has been nothing short of amazing and I for one am truly grateful to the people, organisations and businesses who have dedicated their time and resources to support their communities – delivering food and medicines to vulnerable people, manufacturing PPE to carers, making phone calls to isolated residents and much more.

“We have created this unique eBook to celebrate each and every one of these unsung heroes by telling some of their stories and highlighting some of their amazing achievements.”

To help celebrate these fantastic volunteers, make sure you read their stories by viewing the eBook at