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Keep moving Suffolk!

Keep moving Suffolk!

A new campaign has been launched urging Suffolk residents to get moving in the New Year.

Keep Moving Suffolk, a joint initiative from Public Health Suffolk and Suffolk Waste Partnership, aims to encourage people to build movement into their everyday life. Posters are being displayed at Suffolk’s bottle banks throughout January, which contain a QR code directing users to the Keep Moving Suffolk website. The website contains useful resources, advice and guidance for people of all ages, to help them make physical activity a part of their daily routine.

Cllr James Reeder, Suffolk County Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health and Prevention, says: “There are so many benefits to moving more – it can make us feel happier, improve sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, depression and many long-term conditions.

“It is especially important at this time of year when the weather is colder and we typically spend more time indoors, to make sure we keep active. Even if it's just going for a walk or moving around the house to avoid sitting still for too long, it is one of the best ways to look after our physical and emotional wellbeing.

“We’ve seen a real passion for physical activity nationally, in a year where many of us have spent much more time at home than we typically would have - let’s keep that energy going as we launch into 2021! The Keep Moving Suffolk website has plenty of tips to keep active from home or with your family.”

The campaign is being supported by Suffolk Waste Partnership. James Mallinder, Chair of Suffolk Waste Partnership, says: “Keep moving Suffolk is a really great initiative to remind our residents to keep moving  through the winter months.

“We all like to get out and walk in our wonderful countryside and appreciate the natural environment, but with winter weather this isn’t always possible.

“However that doesn’t mean you can’t stretch and move around at home. Physical mobility is important to keep strong and healthy and with healthy bodies we have a healthy mind.”

Posters have been put on display at each of Suffolk’s 1500 bottle banks, distributed by Suffolk Norse, Suffolk Waste Recycling Centres and Indigo Recycling Services. Gary Lee, Operations Director at Indigo Recycling Services, says: “In the Current situation Health and fitness is so important for everybody’s wellbeing both physically and mentally. The Keep Moving Suffolk Campaign has an important role to play in our community, with all the extra pressures currently on the NHS, we hope that people will engage and help to improve their own fitness so that ultimately they are Happier and Healthier.

“Indigo Recycling Services are very proud to be able to support the Keep Moving Suffolk campaign by helping to get the message out to as many people as possible via the Bottle Bank Recycling areas.

“We hope everyone coming out to the Bottle Banks to recycle their glass over the coming festive period will see the posters, scan the codes and go to the website to check out all the brilliant information and tips on how to stay Healthy and Keep moving.” 

Visit for advice and support to get active.

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