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East Suffolk Council suspends car parking charges

East Suffolk Council suspends car parking charges

31st March 2020

Parking charges in all East Suffolk Council-run car parks have been temporarily suspended to help support local key workers and community volunteers during the COVID-19 outbreak.

As part of a move to support anyone who has no alternative other than to drive and park as part of their key worker role, or who is delivering support and essential products to our most vulnerable residents and communities, drivers will not be required to purchase tickets until further notice.

Cllr Norman Brooks, East Suffolk’s Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “These are unprecedented times and East Suffolk Council will continue to review the services we provide - and how we deliver them – in the best interests of our communities.

“Parking fees help us manage demand, maintain facilities and deliver essential services, however - with fewer people using car parks now because of social distancing measures - this revenue has already been reduced and temporarily removing these fees is a sensible approach.”

“As well as supporting our wider communities throughout this crisis, our priority must be to make life as simple as possible for the frontline key workers and volunteers and we hope that this small step can make a difference. Additionally, this move will enable us to redeploy some of our operational staff to other services which are currently in great demand.”

East Suffolk Council would however like to remind its residents and communities that ALL non-essential journeys must be avoided as part of the Government’s social distancing measures to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. The suspension of car park charges is being introduced to support key workers and volunteers and NOT to encourage unnecessary travel.

 The Council will review the use of its car parks throughout this period and make further changes, including  access to them, if required.



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